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a - z of Animals The Guide and The Printables

a - z of Animals The Guide and The Printables


This is a fun add on to our a - z phonic sounds. 

It include a list of animals from a - z.   The printable include real photos for all the words included, plus game boards and full instructions on how to play.


The Guide

17 Pages of fun ways to play with your child so they learn

Full instructions on how to use the printables for this section. 

Full instructions on how to play different games with them.


The Printables for a - z of Animals

Contained in each Pack

  • upto 20 pages of resources
  •  a animal for each sound of the alphabet
  • All words have a picture of a real image.
  •  Words and pictures are in easy to see sqaures.
  •  game boards for you to play with your child
  •  7 puzzle pages
  • Unique calling cards for the bingo game including an interesting fact about each animal
  • 2 certificate pages


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